Attitudes of Mastery

There is a common cliché here that attitude determines altitude; in the hierarchy of the dimensional system in the universe this is very true.
Unfortunately perceptions create reality here, and the only thing that will change perceptions is attitude.
For instance, there may be a perceptions here that persist and forms a “duality reality”, based on race gender, language, culture, traditions, race and color, religion or creed. These are prevalent all over this planet. All our perceptions are divisive and defy the laws of the universe. I will not mention them all, as it will fill several pages, but just think about it.
The only thing that will change perceptions are right attitudes. We may have a perception of someone or something that colors our view of our observations.
If we, for instance if we have an attitude of inclusiveness, non-judgment, detached engagement and a view that allows for the expressions of all beings as being equal with each other without discrimination and judgment, what a different place this world would be.
How does attitude change perception? I could describe this in energetics but it would make no sense to anyone but maybe I will for those whom really want to know. Just for fun to see who is awake.
Let’s just say that perceptions are taught and indoctrinated. Information is an energetic form. Words, whether written or spoken are energy forms and they enter the eye or ear gate of the senses. This information is then received or rejected by the co-resonance thereof with what we have already learnt, or otherwise. We gather information based on our experiences or what we are taught and learn. We seldom interrogate this information. This creates our perceptions.
Attitudes to the contrary are self-generated and they involve personal choice. Can you see the difference? Perceptions are created for us and outside of us, and attitudes are created within us by our own evaluation and judgment.
We can only change perceptions with the right and all inclusive attitudes.
Do we want to be victims of perceptions or do we want to create a system that harbors no grudge with perceptions but injects new attitudes that change perceptions.
By mastering attitudes we change perceptions. It just depends on our point of view, or our viewing point.
I will offer you some attitudes for you to consider mastering in the next post.
I said I would offer some information about attitudes that should be mastered to get the best benefit of raising one’s frequencies.
I should explain that raising one’s frequencies does not mean vibrating or oscillating at a high rate. It means raising one’s perceptual abilities to receive and transmit the higher frequencies that are already there but we have not been attuned to them. We already have the ability, but not the awareness or knowledge. They don’t teach you this in school.
It is an internal process of fixing our channels of perception. Waves flow through and each wave carries information so they work together with our physiology and our souls. The one helps lift the other, so as we change our attitudes, the waves lift them higher but we have to start the process of upliftment, and it is all about attitude.

Detached engagement The first and most important attitude to master is detached engagement. Detached engagement is a cognitive recognition that we are primarily souls. This is very important to understand, as the exterior world would have us believe that we are a doing bodies. We are not doing bodies, we are being souls. When souls reach their higher potential, doing becomes effortless, but if we are primarily doing, being becomes almost impossible.
It requires a conscious shift and is very difficult to master, as it goes to heart of everything; how we identify ourselves, what our purpose here is and what our values are.
We live in a complex world where control is mostly out of our hands. We can, however take control of ourselves and be responsible for our own thoughts, feelings and actions, and through that we become reality generators. So we become conscious observers of our own reality. We choose. We feel. We do. We create our own reality.
So we engage and do what we do that is best for ourselves and all.
Detachment is not so easy to master because we have been trained to attach to outcomes. We like the little gold stars, medals or payments we receive for our efforts. It’s a kind of carrot and stick system. If we succeed we get the carrot. If we fail, we get the stick. This, to me, is the height of stupidity because it measures achievement and creates success or failure. Huh? There is no success or failure. There is just the being and doing and why should one be measured against the other.
The universe simply doesn’t work that way. In the universe the responsible doing and the choice to do is the reward, not the outcome. In the universe if you come last in a race it matters not. You raced and that is all that matters.
In the universe, doing is not done for achievement. Doing is done because it assists the soul being to be creative, irrespective of the outcome. This is not a contest.
We be. We do and then express our gratitude for the doing and being, and then we detach from the outcomes. If we be and do responsibly we are not able to determine or control the outcome. It is in our effort to be and do that matters. The outcomes are neither controllable or anybody’s fault or achievment. Outcomes are just the expression of the being and doing.
We are so attached to outcomes here and it is all related to our external reality. We are used to the stick and carrot system here and it is very difficult to detach from it.
But it does not matter. If you be. You have a right to be. Your being gives my being meaning. If I was alone on this planet my life would not have the same meaning and we all give meaning to each other through being. Outcomes don’t matter. What matters is being and doing together.
This may sound a bit like a riddle, but detached engagement will challenge everything we believe in, or know. It is the reverse of everything we know here, but you can get your head around this you will open a gateway to higher frequencies. Attitude is the lens through which we focus our attention and consciousness that produces an energetic response from the universe. It is a response and a free will choice, and the way we interact with the waves of energy in the universe and invite those waves of energy into our own manifest reality. What this means can be expressed by the term that is commonly used here, “what you focus on manifests”.
It’s a little like going to the movies. Do you want to see a comedy, or a tragedy? Do you want to see a horror or a romance? Do you want to see a depiction of fantasy or reality? Do we want to create our own movie, or are we content with the movie others have created for us? We choose and create our own “movie” we want to “see” through our attitudes.
Attitude is a choice. One can choose to have attitudes that invite unintended consequences not of our choosing, or we can begin to explore the vast landscape of possibilities.
All the attitudes I have mentioned are not just words, and “good feel” literacy. They are energetic forms that create responses from the universe that is a “more of” universe. In other words, the universe returns to us “more of” what is in our thoughts and feelings, which when combined, create attitudes.
Let me plainly illustrate this to you.
For instance, if someone, justifiably or unjustifiably, criticizes you or someone you love, how do you focus your attention and consciousness?
You might think and feel, “You’re a fucking idiot and don’t know what you are talking about,” or you might focus your attention and consciousness in a different way. That is where the attitudes of mastery can assist you.
“I am not attached to your words or criticism (detached engagement). I respect your right of free expression and your right to have an opinion (acknowledgement and respect, and grace) but I am not attached to them. What is it particularly that made you form this opinion (curiosity)? We all make mistakes don’t we (Oneness)? I am grateful for bringing this to my attention. (gratitude). I am not offended by your criticism and welcome it (unoffended). I would like to give it more thought (Thoughtfulness and mindfulness). I hope you don’t mind (presence). I want you to know that this will make no difference to our friendship (love).”
I hope this illustrates how one can change the focus of attention (attitude) from being mindless, insensitive and downright rude and unloving, to implementing attitudes that will work for us and not against us.
Attitudes as energy forms will return to one far more than one can imagine. Having right attitudes can transform what we experience on a day-to day basis. It is all a matter of choice of what one chooses for oneself to experience.
I have sometimes had the response from some people who say, “But this is not me. I’m just not like that.” Is this true, or is it just a choice they are making about who they choose to be?
As I said. “Attitude is a choice.”
Free will beings take a hard look in the mirror of their thoughts, feelings and actions, and choose to have right attitudes that support them instead of bringing them down.

Here is the second, but probably the most important attitude to have and that is love.
I never really understood love as a concept here. It seemed to be mixed with so many other things like sex, and other concepts of maternal and paternal love, relationships etc. It was really confusing to me. We loved animals yet we ate them at the dinner table. We loved the sky but filled it with pollutants. We loved the sea, but we polluted it too. As a kid I was terribly confused and as an adult I just gave up trying to understand this.
When I learnt the energetics of it and how it works in the universe, it made a lot more sense, so I will tell you about what I learnt and you can draw your own conclusions. I still don’t really understand it but learning what it is and what it does has assisted my confused mind to get my head around it.
There is a primary force in the universe from which all creativity emerges. It is the first cause energy because it splits into two creating magnetic and electric energy, and from this first “split” conscious souls are derived. The “split” energies of electric and magnetic waves create opposite polarity particles from which manifest physical reality is created. This energy goes out and then returns to create “more of” itself, so we live in a “more of” universe.
It does this constantly and splits each time and begins to expand each time and creates more of itself. The purpose of this energy is to create more of itself.
As it does so, it creates sub-harmonics of itself, like in musical notes, or light spectra. Each sub-harmonic is an expression of the first cause. It is an eternal creative energy that creates all manifest forms.
We experience this energy force here and call it love. Love is the intention of this force but we should understand that it “splits” into sub-harmonics ranging from love all the way down to its opposite that is fear.
Now I am going to tell you something that is going to challenge all your perceptions. Love creates all things, even hate and fear. They are just sub-harmonics of the same energy that creates everything. This may seem unacceptable, but love also created free will choice so that conscious beings could choose their own “instrument” to play the tune that they choose.
In the end, love is a choice we can make. It is not something that happens to us. It does happen that we “feel I love” but we still have a choice.
This gets back to the first attitude I posted about. When we love without attachment to the outcome we are able to transcend “being in love” to being love. There is a major difference here.
When we love as being love without attaching to the outcomes, and love itself is the outcome, we begin to overcome our nihilistic understanding of what it is to love.
When we love without conditions, expectations or reasons we connect to the first cause energy of the universe, and it gives us “more of” what we think, feel and do.
Love should not be what we do. It should be who we are and if we love responsibly we can connect to the first cause energy and create our own symphony and expression of who we are.
The second attitude we should try to master is being love, not doing love.


The third attitude we should develop, and there is no hierarchy to attitudes as they all work together, is Oneness (or Sameness).
Again, this makes no sense philosophically or psychologically, so I can only really express it from an energetic viewpoint.
All of manifestation is an expressions of the One Thing. That is how the universe works. Everything and everyone is energetically connected; through the wave fields and I have told you what they are and how they work.
Humans suffer from a delusion that we are separated from god, each other and all the other living expressions around us. We see ourselves as individuals with our own opinions and identity. We create hierarchies in our minds that separate us from each other and we create Lords who laud over us, and we strive to be Lords who laud it over others. Humans create this centrist notion that we are the center of the universe and all things, and have a right to rape, pillage and destroy whatever we choose, because we are our own Lords. We enter and indulge in a system that makes some greater than others or some lesser than others. We all want to be the top dog.
This entire notion is from the pit of hell and we should be outraged by it, and because of our compliance to this stupidity we feel we have the right to kill our enemies, even though we created our enemies in the first place, because they are different from us, and we create these differences.
I have said it before and say it again. This is one pretty fucked up planet.
We can’t be responsible for what others say and do, we can only be responsible for what we say and do.
Holding the consciousness and attitude that everything is an expression of the One Thing, including ourselves, goes against the attitude of the majority of people on this planet so holding a consciousness and standing up for Oneness is a very courageous thing to do here.
I would not do it unless I knew differently and for my sins, I do know differently.
Being consciously aware that all things are an expression of the One Thing, and that they are all inter-connected is not easy, because that consciousness is not prevalent here. It won’t propagate and be prevalent unless we, the people, choose to express it.
How do we do it?
We do it by being consciously aware. For instance, I had an invasion of ants in my kitchen. Instead of buying an insect spray to kill them, I decided to buy a jar of honey and made a small incision in the lid and placed it near my window sill. For the next year there was a procession of ants in and out of the honey jar, and when it was emptied (it was literally cleaned out) the ants disappeared and have not returned, and if they do return they will be rewarded by a jar of syrup.
I enjoyed watching them as I washed my dishes and marveled at their fastidiousness.
Are we so different from each other?
How does Oneness work in the universe?
Oneness is not optional in the universe. It is arbitrary. In the universe it would be ludicrous to suggest otherwise, yet humans persist with the notion of separation. It is a denial of the evidence that they experience when they are not too busy playing god.
As I have said the higher frequencies are all around us. We just have to recognize and acknowledge them, and invite them in. We can’t do that if we have a consciousness that we are separate from All That Is, or that there are some greater or lesser than others.
An attitude of Oneness is the gateway to all knowing and all knowledge.


Curiosity, is an energy form, and is our universal interchange and communication system. When we experience life, our reality; through our senses, eyes, ears, nose, smell and touch; and there is no interchange through the pineal gland with the universe, the universe assumes that you don’t want information that it is quite willing and able to feed us.
Sometimes it is instant and sometimes there is a time lag, but the universe will always respond to the questions we ask, and these questions are formed and given by our interaction, through our senses, to the universe, energized by our thoughts and emotions.
Have you ever noticed the curiosity of children and the questions they ask? Adults by contrast lose their curiosity over time and stop asking questions. This is extremely damning to the soul.
It is a curious thing that in my interchanges with aiazmir, I asked many questions and he seldom answered them directly. He just smiled and sometimes laughed that made me feel a bit stupid in the beginning. You know, the way we sometimes make children feel when they ask questions.
However, the answer was always delivered in a synchronous way through other people or synchronous events, or through people I would come across on the internet, or through books I would read, so one day I remarked to him, “I know why you don’t answer my questions. It is because I am the answer to my own question. I just have to go find it. Is that not so?” His response was, “You are only limited by the lack of questioning. The answers will always eventuate, but you have to keep asking questions. Sometimes you will not recognize the answers, but don’t stop asking questions. One question will lead to another question, and each question will be answered as long as you keep asking questions. When you stop asking questions, the answers will evade you. The universe will reveal the answers that lie within you, as long as you keep asking questions.”
That is curiosity; “The asking of the questions refines the answer, us.”
We are the answer to the questions we ask, but we have to refine that through a process of soul refinement and we can only do that through curiosity and asking questions.


Understand this one and it will release your soul from all bondage, past, present and future. It is one of the most avoided and wholly misunderstood things here. It is called “grace”.
I almost feel inadequate to speak of this, not because I don’t understand it, but because it so difficult to put into words.
Most understand the meaning of grace to be unmerited favour, i.e. the cause is separated from the response. Humans have largely forgotten and don’t practice grace. We speak of someone who is graceful as being someone who is beautiful, dressed well and moves like a ballerina. That is not grace. Grace is unmerited favor.
So how does it work in the universe?
Humans have this concept of a god, or an allah, or a Buddha that is better than them and if they comply and conform to their rules they might attain some crazy expression of higher states of consciousness they call heaven or if they don’t conform they go to an ill-defined place called hell. This is not the universe and universal laws I know.
The reason for the fall of the fallen angelics was simply because they could not accept grace. They felt that they had to earn favor, and be cosmically admired that they could be just like god, and earn respect, and so they have propagated, through religion and indoctrination, this system of earning respect and favor here on earth.
Grace is anathema to the fallen beings and unless we can’t get out heads around the lies they are perpetrating here and understand that grace is a part of the universal system, we will remain under their dominion and dominance.
Slavery is part of the fallen system. If we comply, we are rewarded with carrots, like donkeys, and if we don’t we are given a “stick”.
The universe simply doesn’t work this way. It is a lie from the pit of hell.
The universe is all-forgiving. Each particle being or wave in the universe is a part of the universe, and the universe will not destroy itself. It had been at this for a long time, and it knows how it works and is supposed to work. It is only those dumb fallen ones who try to make us think otherwise.
Grace is not understood here at all because we are in a “carrot and stick” system. The possibility that we could just be, and do, and that all we desire, as we mold the experiences we wish to have, will be responded to by the universe, is almost unconscionable here. It works pretty well for me. It just depends on if you know how the universe works.
There is no “earning” in the universe, and the very notion is anathema and ludicrous to the universe. The reason we have become slaves here is because we don’t know about grace, or have learnt to trust it, so we have to “earn” our way.
So how does one have an attitude of grace?
All we have to do is look around us. Does the sea have to “earn” the right to create waves? It does it naturally. Do birds have to “earn” the right to fly? They do it naturally. Do plants have to struggle to grow? No they do it naturally. Do fish have to earn the right to swim? No they do it naturally.
We are surrounded by grace, yet we can’t seem to figure it out for ourselves. Humans are the only species here who really struggle, and what are they doing? They are translating this struggle into destruction for those other forms around them that are natural and accept grace, unmerited favor.
Grace is an energy that supports life forms in the universe. No earning required. We can tap into grace by making our requests known to the universe, but that is another whole topic.
Suffice it to say that being is not about earning. Grace does exist if you look around you. We just have to know how it works and let it work for you.


Acknowledgement and Respect

The next attitude is about acknowledgement and respect and acknowledging another, and respecting their right to be. This is encapsulated in the African culture of “Ubuntu” that expresses it well.
How does this work in the universe and how should it work here?
Have you ever noticed how people walk by each other in the street and they hardly glance at each other? There is no acknowledgement that the other person is even there. This is disrespectful.
I learned this from a young African brother, who was working under my supervision some years ago. We were standing next to each other during a lunch break and I was more involved in eating my sandwich than to notice him. He said to me, “Excuse me boss, but I am Samuel.”[ppp_patron_only level=”1″ silent=”no”]

I looked at him surprised that he spoke to me, and in English. I said, “Hi Samuel” and kept on eating my sandwich. He then said to me. “Excuse me boss but I want to tell you something.” I looked up at him and he had a kind face and a serious expression on his face, so I became attentive. He said to me, “I mean no disrespect to you sir, but every day you come to work with us, but you don’t see us. We are just workers. You don’t look at us. You don’t see us. Why is that so? In our culture that is disrespectful.”
I had no answer and didn’t understand then what he was telling me, but have since learnt the wisdom of his words. I thought about that, and have since learnt that in African culture non-acknowledgement is disrespectful. I changed my attitude. I looked at my workers and got to know their names and spoke to them about their families and their struggles. I began to acknowledge them and respect them and saw unlimited potential in them, and they responded accordingly.
In our journey through the framework of the universe we have a problem here. We don’t see each other. We don’t’ acknowledge each other and we don’t respect each other. It is a bit like having zombies walking around who cannot acknowledge the existence of another.
I had to change and do some serious soul-searching.
Disrespect to another is disrespect to oneself. Non-acknowledgment of another is non-acknowledgement of oneself. I got this but how does one put this into practice? This was a hard one for me.
I began to be more attentive to my inter-actions with other people. When I walk down the street in crowds of people I look them in the eye and smile a smile that says, “I see you and acknowledge you”. I sometimes get some smiles back, but largely people don’t respond. Everyone is too busy with their own thoughts and emotions. I began to realize that people were desperate for acknowledgment and respect but won’t give it.
So I asked aiazmir about this. He looked at me, smiled and then fell about laughing. When he had recovered from his mirth, he asked me, “Why do you think this so?” I thought about it but had no answer. He then asked, “Who are those ‘other’ people you are seeing?” Again, I was lost for words. He then said, “They are you. Try to figure that out.”
I was not pleased with his response but did try to figure it out for myself. Based on the information I had gained by then I began to work it out, so the next time we interacted I said, “Maybe all those people that I see are just reflections, or a mirror image of me. Maybe it is my own need to be acknowledged that is being reflected back to me through them.” He looked at me and said, “Go on.” I didn’t know what to say, so I said, “This is crazy. Are we so starved of acknowledgement and respect that acknowledgement and respect has over ridden our ability to acknowledge and respect?”
Aiazmir just looked at me benevolently and said, “What do you think? Don’t you yet know that acknowledgement and respect are pivotal to interacting with other beings, whether earth beings, vegetable, mineral, animal or human, or others from the rest of the universe?”
I had to sleep on this one and found it hard to understand but over time I figured it out. If we do not acknowledge and respect all things we do not acknowledge or respect ourselves, so how can we be in a relationship with them.
From an energetic viewpoint it kind of works this way. What one gives, one receives in return. We are surrounded by “givers in return” for what we give. There is always a back flow from the universe from what we give and when we give acknowledgement and respect we receive this in return.
The next time we realize that we are too pre-occupied, or tired, to acknowledge or respect another whether it is mineral, vegetable, insect, bird, fish, animal or human try to step back and do the acknowledgement and give respect to our interactions by being aware of your own need for acknowledgement and respect. The reward for acknowledgement and respect is not material benefits but in gaining self-acknowledgement and self- respect, both of which will support the soul.
So I acknowledge others, whether mineral, vegetable, insect, bird, fish, animal or human. I chat to them and thank them for their soul being and acknowledge their role in my own soul journey, and doing this has built my own appreciation of myself as a soul being and my role in the lives of my other soul companions whom I love and respect.

The next attitude that we should carry with us wherever we go is gratitude. Gratitude creates “more of” what is being expressed in gratitude. It is awareness and acknowledgement of the All Oneness, and that everything and everyone has its place and space in the universe and being grateful for occupying the space we occupy and the experiences we have.
You might argue,” what about when bad things happen, should I be grateful for those too.” I argued this way too before, but didn’t understand the energetics of attitudes. Attitudes cannot be held in isolation from each other as they all work collectively together to affect the outcomes of the reality we are observing. There is another attitude that I will later describe called, “Responsibility”, and others that I will also describe that affect the energy of gratitude.
Gratitude is an energy form that alerts the universal wave fields to the fact that they are responsive to your desires and that they are delivering what was requested. It is the backflow, or feedback and acknowledgement to the universe that it did the right thing, and that it should give you “more of” what you expressed gratitude for.
Gratitude is singular (mono polar) and the universe cannot distinguish the difference between “I want” from “I don’t want”. This is a trap that many fall into, when they say, “Thank god this didn’t happen to me”, or “I don’t want you to do that”, or, “I hope this doesn’t happen to me.” If you express what you don’t want the universe will provide “more of” what you don’t want. It is important to understand this. Don’t express, “This is not what I want,” or “this shouldn’t have happened”. Try to express only what it is you want and be grateful for that, and the universe will deliver “more of” what you express.
This is extremely relevant to people who express negatively. If you express what you don’t want, you will get “more of” the same.
Be careful when expressing gratitude or ingratitude. The universe simply doesn’t understand the difference, and is a “more of energy” and will provide “more of” the things we express, so when we express gratitude be careful to express gratitude for that which you wish to have “more of” and not what you don’t wish to have “more of”. So don’t express negatively.
Gratitude is a very powerful force and a tool, so train yourself to have a positive expression of what you experience and express gratitude for the good things in a positive way, and avoid negative expressions, as the positive and negative will be delivered equally when expressed.

Thoughtfulness (mindfulness).

Thoughtfulness works like this. Gratitude is a mono polar energy that comes from the heart, our emotions that I have described. Thoughtfulness is its opposite mono polar energy that comes from the mind. So they are meant to work together. One cannot really be thoughtful without being grateful. To put it another way, one cannot be mindful without feeling gratitude.
Let me tell you about thoughts and how they work. We do not think with our brains. Our brains are just meant to be the receptors, and processors of information. Like a computer central processing unit. The information our brains receive come from a) our physiology (our senses – eyes, ears, taste, touch and smell) that is processed through our DNA and nervous system to provide information to the brain. The b) of information to our brains comes from the wave fields of common sense. This common sense is filtered through the soul body to the sovereign, self-willed, self-expressive physical body to give expression to the experience.
Common sense in this context is knowledge (information) that exists in the soul body in its status as a soul body, in the context (again), of its own soul evolution. The brain is just the processor of the information that has been programmed into our genetic and soul DNA. Brains do not think. They process information. The thinking is done in the universal mind of the soul mind in the soul body. The real us, is not a physiological expression, it is a soul expression.
We are a creation from the universal wave fields. All creative thought comes from the field of information carried through the wave fields, and the waves of energy of light and sound are carriers of universal information. Our brains are meant to process this information into some form of coherency to make sense of all this information. It is collecting information from the physical world; our bodies, our experiences, our education and indoctrination, and all those messages go to the brain for processing.
So, if we stub your toes, our physiology carries that information to the brain and we react accordingly (ouch). If you develop the understanding of the soul body, stubbing your toe, becomes a different experience. Your soul knows that this pain is momentarily, and an illusion, and so the reaction might be quite different, impactful and have a different outcome. Can you see how different it might be if we combine physiological reaction with universal common sense?
How to be thoughtful?
If we exclude the messages being carried from our external world, our experience here would be hyper dimensional and our experience here wouldn’t but make any sense. The purpose of a physical, manifest experience here is to refine the soul in our soul evolution, and it requires our physical, manifest experience to do so, and the reason it doesn’t work so well is we are being blocked from the universal wave fields.
To be really thoughtful, we have to begin to learn about the information being carried to our brains from the wave fields. We do that through an activated pineal gland and I have spoken before on how to activate the pineal gland. Also we have to have the right attitudes. If our attitudes exclude love, oneness, grace, curiosity, acknowledgement and respect and gratitude we simply can’t pick up the information coming through the wave fields because we are attuned to a channel of information that excludes universal thought and values.


To become courageous we have to overcome the fears we hold within us that are many; too many to describe here in this limited space, but this is not a post about our fears, but about courage and courageousness.
From an energetic perspective courage is about leaping into the unknown, with a seemingly limited resource but an eternal potential, into the future, and it works like this.
Courage draws on faith and hope, and is the decision we make based on these premises.
In its simplest terms we display courage all the time. We wake up in the morning, get out of bed and go do what we do. We have knowledge of the way we are doing, and have faith and hope that this will be work again as it did in the past. We trust that our reality that we experience every day will work the same it has always worked. This takes a lot of courage, but we don’t acknowledge it as a universal, self-supportive system.
Imagine if this was not so? If we got out of bed and when our feet hit the floor and there was no floor to support us?
The point is that we are doing the most courageous things all the time, but we don’t acknowledge this, so we don’t give ourselves credit for being courageous beings. Stepping into an unknown and trusting it will work is pretty courageous.
Courage is not about feeling courageous. It is not about thinking courageous thoughts. Courage is about thinking and doing courageously.
When we are able to adopt and practice this attitude in our lives, and as I have explained we do many intrinsically courageous things without even thinking about them, we are able to become more courageous, and more easily overcome those circumstances of things we are afraid of, so that it becomes standard practice to be courageous.

Presence – Being present

Presence is the art of owning, acknowledging and being responsible in each moment of our conscious experience here, as each frame of this holographic experience unfolds.
Presence is awareness. Presence is focus. Presence is observing what is and not trying to change it but to change one’s conscious observation of it. One cannot change what is, but one can change how one chooses to interpret or give meaning to what is.
By this way we can change the next “frame” of the reality we are observing. In other words, we can influence our future by owning, acknowledging and being responsible in each moment for what is being experienced, and bringing our own interpretation and meaning to it without prejudice or presumption.
So how does it work?
I should remind you that all you have is your free will. We will own nothing in our lifetimes, except a moment in time and what we choose to do with it. The “things” and people around us are just a holographic projection of your conscious will.
Owning, acknowledging and being responsible for the present is the way the soul is refined. When we own, acknowledge and take responsibility for the experience we have and are having, and we make choices, and those choices have consequences; backflow from the universe and that determines our future experiences, we create our future, by being present in each moment of time and what we do with that.
In reality, the past does not exist anymore. It is past, but what does exist in our present is how we interpret and give meaning to the past and how we ascribe value to the past and past experiences, and that which we bring into our present.
It is a funny thing but I have spoken to many people who interpret their present by their past and drag all their past bad experiences into their present. These people cannot redefine themselves in the present but choose to define themselves by the past. Our past has only given us our current viability and that is all it has given us. The experiences of the past we drag into our present and future is of our own choice, but what we carry with us is baggage that no longer exists, unless we allow it to.
Our past bad experiences are like heavy rocks we place in a bag and we hoist it over our shoulders and we carry them wherever we go. We carry them through our present. We are weighed down by them but we won’t let them go. We destroy our enjoyment of the present by the rocks we carry from the past. It’s a bit like Pilgrim from John Bunyan’s book, “Pilgrims Progress.”
Likewise, we have the dreamers, who are ever present in their future and the present escapes them. They speak of the future with certainty, and to them their present is all about the dream of the future. They escape their present by dreams and visions of the future.
I would like to make it clear and please understand this. The past no longer exists. The future does not exist. All that we will ever have or own is a moment in time in the present. What we bring into the present should not include the past or the future, neither of which exist. The only thing that exists is this moment in time. Dragging the past or a future into the present is not only stupid but is highly flawed.
What we should bring into the present is our presence, i.e. our ownership of this present moment in time; how we observe it; what values we ascribe and bring to our current experiences; what choices we make and take responsibility for, and how we choose to experience our presence. Frankly, nothing else exists. All the rest is an illusion.
The past is a memory but we can change our memories by being present in each moment and creating happy, self-fulfilling memories. The future is a dream and we can only make those dreams come true by what we do in the present.
There is no past and there is no future. There is only now and what we choose to do with that.

This is a follow on to my attitudes of mastery series.

I am tired having been on my feet since early morning, and doing a 10 m installation of wallpaper in a stairwell where placing ladders is very difficult so every ladder move needs a re-assembly of a platform to support a long ladder. So I am knackered. The reason I am telling you this is because when I am this tired, where the body is incapacitated, the brain short circuiting, and the emotions dulled and insensitive, that I am able to deliver a message directly from my soul, and feel capable to do this.


Taking offence easily is what has caused broken relationships, broken families, broken communities, broken societies, has caused war where humans kill each other, and led to a plethora of human on human conflict and devastation.
The universe simply does not work that way so why do humans? I will explain how the universe works in this “attitude” later.
Those who are offended easily are defending something, but what are they defending? Offence is only taken when there is a perceived need to defend something. Offence and defense work together on this planet. Most humans have a defense system and we are all defending something, but what are we defending?
Humans are so easily offended by words that have a certain meaning or connotation, or actions or non-action of another. They may be offended by the views, moral, religious, cultural, or spiritual of others. That is because they are defending their own moral, religious, or spiritual views, or trying to deserve their identity of who they are here, and fear that loss of identity; an identity that is premised on training, education, indoctrination and untruths that have no validation in truth or science.
The measure of our indignation is usually an indicator of what we are defending, and by observing what causes us offence, will usually reveal what we are defending, if we pay attention but it is tricky, because we usually don’t recognize what we are defending because it is not just one thing, it is a combinations of many things, so over the years as we observe what it that has offended us, we are able to reveal what it is that I am defending, and it usually based on our on training, education, indoctrination and untruths that have no validation in truth or science, and so the search for truth began. In other words our pre-conceptions and prejudices.
It is those things we are offended by that reveal what we are defending and if it is based on our on training, education, indoctrination and untruths that have no validation in truth or science, we owe it to ourselves to re-train, re-educate, un-indoctrinate and find the truth of what is, as is so vividly illustrated here by nature and from which we could learn a lot from.
Unoffended is when we no longer feel the need to defend based on the notion that the universe is a “de facto” wholeness, and can allow the expression of another to be without feeling the need to defend against it.
Unoffended is validating oneself as a soul on a journey of soul evolution, in a contiguous, coherent and unified universe that requires no explanation or justification.
Taking no offence means knowing who you are and not trying to defend that because it requires no defense. I am who I am. Those who cause us offence are just reflections of who we are ans aspects of ourselves, and what we are defending which is our perceived identity, given identity, and if no offence is taken, we are able to reclaim our true identity, untrained, uneducated, un-indoctrinated and live and be the truth of who we are.
So the next time you feel offended, take a step back and recognize what it is that is offending you. You may just discover who you are and begin to identify yourself as a soul being on a journey of soul evolution, in a contiguous, coherent and unified universe that requires no explanation or justification of who you are.
As a sovereign, individuated expression of the One Thing there is nothing to defend but your sovereignty and your free will
So just observe those things and people around you without judgement, preconception and prejudice. When we observe our being offended and our own inclination to defend, ask the question, “What is it I am defending? Is it my pre-determined and indoctrinated self, or am I truly defending who I am, and my own sovereignty.
Once, the only thing we defend is our own sovereignty, and let others cast their verbal abuse as they wish and not be offended or affected by it, we become self-sovereign. A self-sovereign allows others to be self-sovereign as well, so there is no offence in another expressing their self-sovereignty.
In this way we can defend what needs to be defended, our self-sovereignty, the sovereign right to be who we are without harm, loss or having our freedoms impeded.
So be slow to take offence, and only defend that which may cause you harm, loss or an impedance to your sovereignty.
How does “unoffended” work in the universe?
The universe will only defend one thing and that is the right of expressions of all beings. It has its own failsafe and re-cycling system.
They are called “black holes” where previously conscious beings including stars and their solar systems, planets and their inhabitants, undergo soul fragmentation and become space dust, quanta again, to begin their soul evolution again.
At the highest level or the lowest level, if I put it in those terms, all are expressions of the One Thing, and are given a divine template (that we cannot see but that I will tell you about if you are interested) on which they begin to experience their soul evolutionary journey. They are all interconnected through the wave fields that create and support their manifest reality.
On our planet , first and second dimensional soul beings, and those in between follow the “will of god”, the universal system. The first dimensional beings here are amoeba’s, organisms and minerals. They all have the divine blueprint written into their souls though their DNA that may not be apparent but it is there. They are all expressions of the nature of divine physical form, the “living water” that creates the platform for all other expressions of the divine form.
The second dimensional beings are imbued with mind that encompasses intelligence (not logic) and express this intelligence in an intelligent way to create eco-systems. Eco-systems are arrangements of first and second dimensional beings that are interdepend, self-supportive, and form the framework for third dimensional beings to express themselves. These encompass insects, birds, fish, animals and vegetation.
Third dimensional beings are human and in their divine template they now have their emotions activated. This means that they have free will, are creative and integrate all three dimensions into one being. Logic is the ability to use both information (knowledge) and emotions (values) to draw conclusions that is meant to lead to wisdom (words and actions that are in balance with each other, and the soul of the being expressing them)
First and second dimensional beings largely don’t take offence but they establish defenses against predators. They are defending themselves from being a food source of others. They are defending who they are without pretense though some do camouflage themselves to blend into the environment. This is our first defense and is a natural defense of being afraid.
Humans have been pre-dated on for centuries. The predators here are from higher dimensions in our universe, so humans have gone into defensive mode, and start acting like second dimensional beings because they don’t know how the universe works so “the man with one eye can rule over the blind”, and they forget wisdom.
It is knowing and understanding how the universe works that will free us from being pre-dated upon. That is what I am trying to reveal.
Unfortunately our entire solar system has been under predatory attack. These attacks are anathema in the universe and unless humanity “grows a pair” and stands up for themselves, this entire solar system is destined to go into a black hole.
To do this we have to be “unoffended” but wise, thus the saying, “Be wise as serpents, but as gentle as doves.” Our natural defense is, “fight or flight” but when we have faith in the way the universe works, we simply observe, think and feel, and act in accordance with our balance of the male and female energies, and in integrity with who we are.
It’s an energetic thing.

Impeccability Impeccability, and is probably the most misunderstood attitude of all because it is sometimes associated with being perfect. That is not the case.
Impeccability is being in quiet resonance with your own knowledge of what you know (mind), and values (emotions) and displaying that and expressing that in all you think, feel, say and do.
In fact, most of us do this all the time, and it is not recognized or appreciated here because we are competing against a system that demands conformity and demands performance of “duties” and “responsibilities for achieving goals and objectives” and to put us and keep us in slavery here. The universe doesn’t require conformity. On the contrary it expects creativity, self- empowerment, and allows for infinite expression of all beings.
We all have varying degrees of knowledge and ability to feel, and no two soul beings are the same. Impeccability is about remaining true to who you are, no matter how you perceive this, or how imperfect you may perceive yourself to be.
What this stupid earth system, that we compete with does is demands that we all be “carbon copies” of each other and conformed to a system, in which we will always “fall short”, because it was designed that way. So we feel “imperfect” and inadequate, so we keep slaving away to appease the system of slavery here designed by the “slave gods,” so we think we fall short of impeccability and keep conforming to the slavery system here.
Impeccability is not measured by your ability to appease the “slave gods”. It is measured by your ability to be true to yourself and maintain and express, with integrity who you are. Impeccability is the means by which free will choice beings can transform and transmute their experiences.
Impeccability is about choosing the highest probability for oneself, and not sloughing in the doldrums of self-deprecation and self-pity, and not indulging in the trough of self-loathing.

In Conclusion

I would like to conclude my series on the attitudes of mastery with this thought.
Our attitudes are like the climate around us. We can either create a climate of thunder and lightning; snow and storms; cold and drought, or we can create a climate of equitability around us, where the winds are free to flow, and the sun gives us equality of time and warmth.
Our inequitable weather systems are created by the tilt of the earth’s spin which is tilted to the plain of the sun, and by this we experience summer, winter, autumn and spring; a differential weather system. This is our Mother Earth’s dilemma, but we, by and large imitate it. This was caused by design.
What if I told you that by creating equitability within ourselves on a mass scale we could re-align the tilt in the earth’s plain around the sun? A pipe dream and Impossible?
What if I told you that our Mother Earth is in trouble and needs our help? She has nurtured us through the storms, and through summer and winter. What if I told you that she has been under siege for a long time, and longs to bring equitability back to her children? What if she was really our mother? Would we abandon and neglect her?
Would we have the good grace to acknowledge that?
As above so below.
We bring equitability back into our lives by our attitudes and give back this energy to our Mother Earth. Isn’t it time we begin to bring back equitability to Her and ourselves. The only thing, energetically, we can give back to our Mother is equitability through good attitudes.
So everywhere we go, and in what we think, feel and do, we should bring the attitudes of; Detached Engagement, Love, Oneness, Curiosity, Grace, Acknowledgement and respect, Gratitude, Thoughtfulness (Mindfulness), Courage and fearlessness, Presence in the “now”, Unoffended and Impeccability.
These create the climate in our existential experiences here and everywhere we go, “we always take the weather with us.”
