Soul Evolution



This is going to be a long one, and not easily understood by the mind. 
It is a result of my recent illness and how I was able to heal myself through my soul body, and how I was able to stay consciously present with my body throughout the process; one of those excruciating experiences on my own soul journey. 
As a result, my Higher Self has agreed to me releasing this information now because I have a fuller understanding of how it works. I guess one’s understanding only grows when you have done the job yourself and it is no longer just theory. 
I have written this up extensively and you are the first to hear it. I will put it on a website soon, so it can be read in its entirety later, when I have completed this. 
I have “known” this information for a long time but was not able to fully express it, as it requires a certain resident resonant soul frequency to have the clairvoyance to “see” it clearly, and to express is it in words that are really inadequate for the purpose. 
This information is encoded within all of us (in our DNA), and it not so much a case of learning it, but rather a case of remembering it. (I will more fully explain this further on). This can be done by focus, intention and visualization. 
These are powerful tools of the soul, as they all require energy, and the way to interact with the soul is through focused, intended and imaginative energy, that brings clarity of thought and emotion that leads to integrity of actions. 
It works a little like a “lie detector” test that picks up electro-magnetic impulses on the body derived from our thoughts and emotions (that are expressions of our soul). When we “lie” to ourselves we generate an emotional response, a soul response, that confirms the lie, and so we continue to behave dis resonantly with the universe, and keep lying to ourselves. The reason we keep doing this is because we have been told so many lies here that we are no longer able to recognize the truth of who we are, what we are doing here, and what has happened to us. 


I first began to learn of this when I accompanied my Higher Self, aiazmir, and journeyed through the light and sound fields, where I was able to observe the strange phenomena of interacting waves of oscillating light and vibrating sound. 
It should be understood that time and space do not exist and work in the sound and light fields, as they do in the manifest reality fields. I asked aiazmir where these waves come from and what gave them motion. He explained that they emanate from the “heart of god” which provided the pulse or rhythm to create motion. This pulse or rhythm was also the source of all life forms, and created what he described as the divine, sacred geometry, and blueprint for all manifestation. It is all about the frequencies of sound (magnetic/emotion), light (electric/thought) and pulse (neutrality/oneness), and the geometry encoded into the divine blueprint. 
All manifest reality is created and experiences conscious awareness, by the expression of the sound and wave fields. It works like this. 
There are different forms of light and sound, and they work together in harmonic bandwidths and have a particular relationship with each other. Their frequencies determine their harmonic and relationship to each other, and the harmonics create dimensionality, so in our case, we experience our reality in harmonic bandwidth 1, for instance, we might call dimensions 1 – 3, and the purpose of soul evolution is to journey through all dimensions and frequency bandwidths (harmonic bandwidths and there are four of them), and back to source. Harmonic bandwidth 1 is the physical domain; harmonic bandwidth 2 is the semi-etheric domain; harmonic bandwidth 3 is the etheric domain; and harmonic bandwidth 4 is the liquid light domain. Our souls must traverse the 12 dimensions of the 4 harmonic bandwidths to return to Source (harmonic bandwidth 5; the domain of pure light and sound). 
In the beginning of manifest reality, we are not created as human form but evolve into different forms along a progression (or string) of amino acids that form the basis of our, and all, DNA. Each amino acid has a certain function. DNA not only carries genetic history, it also carries our soul history. Our soul history is “recorded” in the Eckashic records and out genetic history is “recorded” in the Ackashic records. 
This universe began some 544 million, billion years ago, and we have been evolving our DNA into various life forms since then, until we were able to evolve into homo sapiens. 
Physical evolution is about accreting, accumulating and activating amino acids that form the “string” of cellular expression. This takes place in the context of being a “part of a greater” and then evolving into the “greater” by raising the frequencies of the existing DNA “string”, by being a “good universal citizen” in whatever form one’s consciousness is experiencing itself at the time. 
What this means is that we have all “served time” in the other manifest expressions of reality; the elemental, microform (bacterial), vegetable, insect, fish and animal kingdoms, being a part of them and then accreting, accumulating and activating more DNA (amino acids) so that we may facilitate the conscious evolution of the soul to its highest expression in this harmonic bandwidth; beings of light and sound, fully integrated and reconciled with Source, so that we may progress into the next harmonic bandwidth. 
This is done through the divine blueprint where one’s consciousness is always stationed one dimension above that in which one’s consciousness is experiencing its reality. This acts as the “magnet” that draws us through the various dimensions so that we may accrete, accumulate and activate more amino acids. 
In this way, all physical expressions are connected to all other physical expression, and are meant to be supportive of each other through our own respective soul evolution. All souls are really just One Soul with individuated expressions. This may be difficult to understand or accept, but that is the way it works. 


It is possible now for us to reclaim our souls that have been captive here for a long time. I will explain the history to this further on. 
As I have said before, we have not been able to reclaim our souls before, mainly because we didn’t know how; we didn’t know what the soul is, how it works and what its purpose is; we are filled with indoctrinated lies and belief systems that do not serve us and bear no resemblance to the truth of how the universe works and what it is. We have been fooled into believing that our identity is found in the “skin suits” in which we experience our reality. This is the biggest lie perpetrated on mankind, and denies them the power of their souls. 
The soul is an electro-magnetic field of energy surrounding the human body and is about a mile in diameter. Its size varies depending on the “age” of the soul, or how far it has progressed through its soul evolution. 
The soul body is connected to other soul bodies, mostly our soul family with who we have shared common experiences in our soul evolution, and with whom we have had a common genesis of the soul. 
The entire universe is filled by an electo-magnetic field force of souls, where new souls are being created all the time, as the universe expands. (Part of the breath of god. It expands to a point where a critical mass of souls is attained, and then it begins to contract, on the journey back to Source, where those souls who have reached a sufficiently high resonance in their DNA are re-assigned to planetary or star status to continue their evolution in those forms. Thus our Mother Earth and our sun are highly evolved soul bodies.) 
All manifest soul bodies are 3 dimensional holographic projections of the underlying encoding of the divine blueprint in its electro-magnetic fields. The encoding is mathematical and geometric. That is why symbology is important to the religions here, as they represent a false encoding system, sufficient just to keep us sufficiently fooled. 
It is our separation from the universal field system that is the source of “sin”; the discordant and disresonant way, in which we think, feel and do. 
Our physical connection to our souls is through 2 crystalline structures in the human body. The one is the “seat of our will” and the other is the “seat of our emotions”. It is important to make the connection, and how they work as “receiving” and “transmitting” signals from, and to the soul. 
The “receiver” is located in the pineal gland through which we can awaken our higher perspectives and perception. It ismagnetic and receives electric impulses. I will explain how it works further on. 
The “transmitter” is a tiny crystal found behind the thymus gland just below the breastbone, and it returns emotional signals to the soul. It is electric and transmits magnetic (emotional) signals to the soul. 
The 2 work together to “test and verify” the integrity of the body; and check if it is at one with the soul. It’s almost like a lie detector test. If we caught up in the BIG lie here, that we are physical beings who have a soul, a lie is detected, and there will be no natural “through flow,” so it is best we get rid of that lie. 
We have to re-inform our hearts and minds in order to obtain the necessary flow between the “info in and info out”. The soul cannot be fooled and will detect any lies in the system. It will offer healing of the lie though, and it is up to the individual to apply the medication to heal. The medication is usually in the form of truth. 
If we do this, we can begin to use the alchemy of the soul to manifest anything we choose, as long as it remains within the integrity of the soul. 


Unfortunately, the progression of our natural soul history was interrupted here, about 344,000 years ago, by a plethora of higher dimensional beings, a collective we may call the satanic collective who had decided to break away from the natural order, and create their own kingdoms. They traded their pathway of infinity (where value is generated from within) to immortality (where value is generated in matter), but they needed gold that was converted to monoatomic gold that they sniff, to sustain themselves and their systems, so they plundered planets and eventually came to earth where they discovered an abundance of gold, and they had early homo sapiens to mine the gold for them. 
They soon realized that early man was very strong, but not very intelligent, and so they sought the assistance of 2 master geneticists, Enki and Enlil, to re-engineer human DNA. Enki and Enlil were reticent at first because they knew how soul evolution worked, and the consequences of interference in the natural cycles of soul evolution, but they knew of the reputation of the satanic collective and feared for the future of earth and devised a plan for an accelerated soul evolution, and sought out and gained permission from other soul beings on other planets and dimensional landscapes, to use their DNA in their work in re-engineering the DNA of all conscious beings on planet earth to keep their soul evolution in sync with the rest of the universe. This was no mean task or feat. Enlil also secretly, used his own DNA to give mankind a sense of higher self, the magnet that would draw them into higher states of consciousness. 
The infusion and fusion of new DNA worked very well, so that “new man” was intelligent and able to satisfy the needs of their masters, and efficiently and proficiently mine gold, and in fact, became a thriving trading center, where mankind thrived and progressed very well. 
As the soul beings of planet earth evolved they became more astute as traders and thrived, and became advanced in technology and ability, and enjoyed a natural progression in their soul evolution. 
The satanic collective became envious of new man and hatched a plot to separate earth’s consciousness from the rest of the universe, and to make humans their slaves who would serve only them. 
In order to do so, they knew that they would have to create a frequency fence around the planet, because they knew that “he who controls the wave fields, controls the reality fields”, and so they set up their very sophisticated Blank Slate Technology (BeaST) system that would override the natural flow of the universal sound and light fields. 
Their coup de grace was to fool mankind into agreeing to draw into earth’s orbit, a second moon that collided with earth and led to the destruction of Atlantis, and the tilting of the magnetic fields at a 22 degree angle to its rotational spin. 
This had the tragic effect of mankind being cut-off from the universal sound and light fields and losing their universal memory and being confined to a temporal life. This event is recorded in the Bible as the Fall of the Tower of Babel, where confusion reigned, and where man lost his ability to telepath. 
If this information upsets you, I can assure that when I first learnt of it, I was distraught for days, and it took a month or two for me to recover, I was so filled with anger and despair. 
Since then the “Watchers” have been keeping an eye on us, but there was not much they could do without doing further damage to our soul templates, but as our soul templates began to heal they began to take action, but being careful not to do further harm to our soul templates. 
As mankind began to have their memory restored, the satanic collective also took action, and devised a plan to further enslave mankind. 
When the man Yeshua (Jesus Christ) incarnated here, and began to spread his teachings, this put the satanic collective into a flat spin. His main purpose for coming here was not to teach or die on a cross, but to activate certain of the earth’s grids to begin bringing earth back to a point of restoration. Yeshua is a being from the 4th Harmonic bandwith, and an energetic master. There is a plan for the restoration of earth and it is in the process of implementation. 
The satanic collective then devised a plan to incorporate some of Yeshua’s philosophical teachings into the new religions (RE-LEGION) here, and to twist the story completely so that mankind would seek salvation outside of themselves, and in a “made for you” savior, so that they, the satanic collective, could retain their position as “god of this world.” 
Their plan incorporates a culling of humankind and the establishment of a New World (satanic) Order, and to rob the remainder of mankind of the last vestiges of their connection to the sound and light fields, and to keep the souls of those departed in a quarantined state of consciousness we may call hell. 
The bad news for the satanic collective is that once they had dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki they inadvertently, perhaps, created a rip in the fabric of creation that angered all the Watchers, those beings who had contributed bits of their DNA for the creation of the new man. Our consciousness is inextricably linked to theirs, and with whom we have a soul connection through our DNA. A nuclear bomb is not only a threat to the planet earth, it is a threat to all of creation. 
So the Watchers went into council and formed the Council of the Galactic Federation of Light (‘CGFL’), comprising members of many other Councils, like the Arcturian Council, the Pleiedian Council and the Sirian Council. They all work independently from, but co-dependently on each other. In other words, they each have their own plans to protect their own interests, but work together so as not to sabotage each other. This has worked pretty well over about 55 years. 
In April 2014, they all got together and fought an electric war against the satanic collective, on Venus to bring about the removal of the frequency fence around earth and the end of the BeaST system here. The collective was then invited to leave earth’s space and they were offered alternative “accommodation”. Many left but those directly involved in the operations of earth wanted to stay and bring about their NWO on earth, convinced that they can defeat the CGFL, but as their power diminishes here they begin to panic more, and begin to realize that as more beings awaken to the truth and whose soul memory is being restored, they are becoming powerless to stop the flood of higher frequencies in the DNA of all of earth’s beings, and many are arguing capitulation and trying to broker a deal for themselves to save face. 
The CGFL are relying on humans to awaken to their true identity and nature, and to self-correct the distortions under which they were placed, and that is why I am telling you this. 
We, as a soul collective, will have the responsibility for devising a new system for our planet that restores the soul evolution of our entire planet, and restores our collective memory, in what many are calling “The Event”. 
We are being asked to co-operate to raise the collective sound and light frequencies of our Mother Earth, and to correct the distortions in our earth grids, and to fight back against the satanic collective here, who are planning a “mass sleep” of the human populations here, through the use of microwave and cellphone technologies where they plan to download and implement a holographic insert into our brains via the pineal gland, so that we experience their induced reality before, during and after “the Event”. I had first-hand experience of this last week and will do a separate post about it.

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The purpose of the soul is to bear fruit.
What does that mean?
Our souls are seeded here to bear fruit. How shall a soul being be able to bear fruit if it does not have the sunlight of truth, or the waters of awareness, or the air of freedom.
Our souls are denied truth, awareness and freedom here, so how can they bear fruit? 
If we can find the truth within us, become aware of our soul responsibilities, and nurture our freedoms, we can bear fruit.
So what is the fruit?
“The  fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no Law.” Gal 5:22
In my everyday life, my soul purpose is to nurture my soul with truth, awareness and freedom. 
In my everyday experiences, as they appear, I ask myself, what fruit is my presence bringing to bear on this situation, for by their fruit you will know them. 
I ask myself, “How can I bring love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, into this situation? It’s not hard if you just try it.
That is the difference between the carnal mind and the soul mind. The one sews seeds here, the other bears fruit.
I can only bear fruit because I have had my truth, awareness and freedom given back to me. It was offered to me, but I had to take it back.


You soul identity has nothing to do with your name, or the physical being you appear to be. Your soul identity is the role your resonant energy plays in creating the space / time reality that you experience. Therefore, it is not a title (Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss) or connected to a word that was given to you to identify you to the slavery system here.
Your soul identity is therefore the resonance that you emit from your soul center, the heart. Beings in other dimensions do not have names given to them. They are identified, and identify each other, from the resonant tones emitted from the soul construct (more about this later).
In their language, which is more about tones and resonance, the first person, “I”, does not exist. There is no such thing in their “language”, because it is a term used by those who are separated from them “selves”, and are separate from each other. This simply doesn’t exist in the universe, so the entire notion of, “I am”, is an absurdity to them. Religions here have used this term to describe the name of god, “I am that I am”. This is a convenient truth, created to delude people into the notion that they may be separated from the Creator, and the universe, and therefore from each other.
This is a control mechanism, based on “divide and conquer”, and the notion that if “I can separate you from all other beings around you, I may exercise a power over you, so great, that you will lose your soul identity, and therefore I can exercise total control over you.”
It is the notion of “I” being a singular entity, lost in the sea of other “I’s”, in which the power of the soul being is also lost in. As long as humans perceive themselves to be separate entities, they will struggle with soul identity.
So what is soul identity? Again because I am an energetic and understand this from this perspective, I will tell you from my perspective what it is.
Firstly, I should tell you that because the universe is multi-dimensional kaleidoscope of energy, no 2 energies are exactly the same. Every expression of the light and sound fields is totally unique. Therefore you are a totally unique soul. There are no carbon copies of you in the universe. It is only man made things that are made the same, like money. So no identity documents are required in the universe, because your resident resonant energy tones are your identity. You will have somewhere in the universe, a mirror image of your energy signature, and that is your twin soul, but don’t expect them to be the same as you, as they will be quite opposite, but complimentary to you. The reason is because you came from the first cause energy, but with opposite polarity (magnetic and electric). This will give rise to different soul paths and different experiences. You will understand more as we proceed.
Here is where we come to the tricky part. Where do these resident resonant energies come from? As I have explained before they are light and sound waves, that give expression to the soul. You can see this all over this planet in the devices and appliances we use. An electric plug (positive and negative energies), gives expression to the devise or appliance you use. In other words, the devise or appliance is simply the expression of these 2 opposite energy forms. They are “wired and created” to do this.
In the soul identity, these opposite energies are the genealogical history, and the soul history, and these 2 opposite energies are expressed as “us”, the resultant soul / human beings. I think this is quite neat. We are unique expressions of our genealogical history and soul history. These 2 combine to give an expression (a device or appliance in this analogy) of the unique identity of the new soul that is you.
So these 2 energies (your soul history and genealogical history) combine to give to you a unique expression of the “soul” that you are. Your resident resonant energies are encoded within you, but you have a unique feature, and that is choice, or expression. Devices and appliances don’t have choice. They are “hard wired” but us, we have choice. The “switch” is within us. That makes us pretty damn unique.
Soul identity comes down to the choices and decisions we make, some of which will be influenced by our genealogy, and some from our soul history.
Most humans are only aware of their genealogy, and are not aware of their soul history, and most souls here have been re-cycling around in this parody for ages. So now we come to the good time stuff.
The veil has been lifted, and humans have a choice; to be solely identified with their external physical reality, or to reclaim their soul connections. Our soul connections are hovering in the skies above us waiting for humans to wake up to the “‘we” that we are. There are many souls incarnated here, who are here because they agreed to enter this reality field (matrix) to assist with the rescue mission that is happening here, and I am not talking to them, because they know who they are. Many others are beginning to wake up. There is no “I”, there is only the “we” and “us” in the universe.
I hope you get this.
It is not our differences that define us, but our sameness.
So what do I mean, and I guess, most won’t understand this, so I will try to make it as simple as I can?
Maybe you should go get a cup of tea, put on some soothing music and just relax, and when you are in the mood, read this.
Firstly we should look at what is “definition” and what it means. The word is made of two components, “de” and “fine”.
Firstly, there is “de” which is a suffix to many of the words here and can mean, privation and separation (deprive), negation (demerit), descent (degrade), reversal (detract), or intensity (decompound).
Hence we have the word “define”. I hope you get this. “De” is used to deprive, demerit, degrade, detract and to decompound. [Energetically it is a downward motion] So what is “fine”? Well the list goes something like this; superior quality, very small, free from impurities, thin and slender, precise, elegant, healthy, acceptable, and thses are just a few meanings of fine.
It is quite clear to me that definition of self here has to do with reducing the “fineness” of self and measuring oneself with reducing oneself “de facto”. How can one “define” oneself, which is just a first step to understanding oneself, when the very words we speak, are belittling and reducing.
Instead, we should be refining ourselves, not defining ourselves. Defintion implies meaning, and in its narrowest sense is about creating meaning from a static sense. The universe just doesn’t work that way. Meanings change from a moment to moment in the universe. You are “shooting at a moving target” not a static one.
So what is “sameness”. It is not as you would give it meaning. A carbon copy, or a photograph, or a representation of. Life is far more dynamic that that.


This is another long one and a true story. I have never told anyone this before because it seems rather incredulous, and perhaps ridiculous, but is worthy of consideration in understanding how the universe works. It certainly jolted me out of my attachment to the external world and drew me into the notion of “going within”, so I offer it to you for your consideration. I have also been reluctant because as it is mindblower, and not for the unimaginative.
As I have told you before, I had had a series of dreams in 2003 where I met aiazmir on SiriusB and where I was being shown many things that made no sense to me at the time. I would wake up in the morning exhausted and sometimes unable to get out of bed.
In this one dream, I asked Aiazmir, because I was curious about a previous dream where he had shown me our solar system and our galaxy and I wanted to understand the universe, “Will you show me the universe?” He gave me a quizzical look, and said, “It’s inside you.” I didn’t understand and was a bit perplexed by what I thought was a dismissive answer. I said, “No I want to know about the universe out there.”
So after a considerable pause, he said, “Okay. Do you really want to know?” and I replied with a resounding, “Yes,” after all how many people get to see the universe.
He did his thing, closed his eyes and conjured up a kind of holographic ball that began to expand and I was soon enveloped in it too, and in a few moments I was seeing a myriad of stars, and observing galaxies, stars, and planets, and I was amazed. After a few minutes of observing, I asked aiazmir, “Are you here?” as he had previously told me that he would accompany me on this journey I would undertake. He said “Yes”, then I asked him to explain what I was seeing.
He said, “You are seeing the universe.” Then I asked, “Where are we. Are we watching this from earth?” He gave me a “you don’t get it” look, and I had no idea what I was seeing, so he said, “Do you remember that I told you the universe is inside you?” and that confused me, so I responded, “Yeah, sort of, but I don’t understand.”
He then dropped a major bombshell into my lap. He said, “You are inside your body that simulates the universe. Whatever is outside of you is part of the universal template by what is inside of you. All those galaxies, star systems and planets you are seeing, are inside you, so the notion you have of the universe being out there is incorrect, it is also inside you.”
He could see my consternation, and my physical asleep body began to convulse and I woke up in a sweat and in shock. I sat up and began to cry, but laugh at the same time. I don’t know why. Tears streamed down my chest, and I was laughing at the same time. I had done drugs before but this was a trip on the “magic swirling ship.”
In the subsequent dream he took me through a tour of my anatomy, and explained that every planet has a brain system, a processing system (the stomach), a heart system, a liver system, a kidney system, a bladder system, an arterial system, a breathing system, a viewing system, a hearing system, a tasting system, a physical sense of touch, a sense of airborne senses (smell), but the intuitive system is left to individual bits of consciousness through volition (choice).
We are part of a universal construct, and I wish they would teach this stuff at school but they don’t. The whole purpose of the universal construct is soul evolution and self-fulfillment, and as you progress you expand the universe. Is there a limit to expansion? It just depends on your dreams, I guess. If I had to tell you it is expanding and contracting at the same time, in a parallel way. That is another discovery, as you may discover the nature of duality. The parallel universe and it how it works, but that’s for another time.

What happens to you when you ascend?

I will not deal with the process per se, or the reasons therefore (YOU CAN READ MORE IN THE “MULTI-DIMENSIONALITY SECTION). Beings who ascend, attain a higher level of vibrational frequency, and I won’t explain what that means either as I have explained it many times before, enter a higher vibrational frequency “bandwidth”, and everything changes. In reality you don’t “go anywhere”, your consciousness changes. It is these changes I would like to tell you about.
Firstly, on a physical level our entire physiology and biology will change. Our physiology is based on a physiological construct. We may perceive ourselves as being a physical being, but our physiology emerges out of nothing more than quanta; waves of energy that when observed become matter, physical manifestation. Get used to this idea because that is where we come from. The physiology of the observer will change, as we enter a higher vibration of wave forms. What this means is our physiology will become less “dense” and will become semi etheric. I will explain this more as we go along as it is all integrated.
The second thing that we may notice is that the “broadcast feed of ‘created for you’ reality” will cease. In other words, the broadcast system that has been feeding our reality, and feeding off our reality, will not be coming through anymore. That is because the “broadcast system” will be finally “switched off”, so that we will eventually be free to express who we really are. This is going to be difficult for many, because they have been reliant on creating an external identity for themselves, and they won’t know who they really are. Provision has been made for them, and us, because we all suffer, to some extent from this dilemma and phenomena. Just the very realization and acknowledgement will assist many in dealing with what is going to happen. The danger, of course, is that these people will seek a new “broadcast reality”, and if they don’t get it, it will create their own “vacuum of identity”, so as to be dependent, but provision has been made for this, as well. We are not alone in this process.
The third thing that we will experience is a return of memory. This is very important to understand. The entire universe is premised on experience, thought and emotion (I won’t go into the energetics here, but just premise that it is). On this planet, a technology has been used, called “blank slate technology” (and I don’t wish to tell you now who has been doing this, as they are becoming irrelevant) that has been used to wipe, or erase memories and memory. Fortunately, this technology has only been used against humans, and not animals, vegetables and minerals. All thoughts, feelings and actions are entered into what is called the ackashic records. I won’t explain what this is now, but just know that everything in the universe has a record, a memory.
When this memory is returned to us, we should not feel ashamed, guilty or harmed (provision has been made for this too). Memory relates to past. In time, space, it no longer exists. It is just a memory, but for many their identity is created through memory, and if one creates identity with memory, then the identity of self in the present moment of now, is not acknowledged, and so memory remains in the past, even in the present. So it is important to be identified in the present.
That is the next thing that will change; identity. This is where I feel totally inadequate to express this. I wish it would be easier for us, but the way I understand it, you will still be who you are, but in a totally different environment. It will be a bit like looking into a mirror, and saying, “Who is that person?”
The truth is, that most humans don’t have any idea who they really are, and this was done deliberately, by the “space invaders” here. They created an identity system here where our names were the beginning of our identity. They entered us into a system, where our “identity” was necessary to trade, have a bank account, and own anything.
That is the “bad news”, but the good news is that once our memories are restored, we will remember who we are, but believe me it will be very confusing to many beings here. It is this process of soul identity that will be very difficult. Many of us have already begun this process and it is not easy. It is remembering, “Who I am” and that will be difficult. This is called soul integration.
The other thing that will be revealed is history, and that is all a part of the whole, of remembering who we are, of identity, and memory. The funny thing about history here is that history here is mainly about the politics, and those who wrote the history. It is all a big fat lie. History is about humans and their own individuated experience and all of that is entered into the ackashic records.
When we enter into the new harmonic bandwidth, free from the lies we have been told, our history or histories will all be revealed, so we won’t need to watch DVD movies, it will all be there in real time. All revealed. You will not only have a genealogical family, but also a soul family. We will see, minerals, plants and vegetation, and animals differently, and have a different, more holistic, relationship with them.
Will anything else be different? Well after we have dealt with all the above, There will be whole lot of stuff we have to deal with, that will be, shall we say, unusual? Like telepathing, trans-locating and bi-locating, higher ability to intuit, greater intelligence, etc.
For instance the whole notion of eating other beings might come to mind, or the notion of working for a living, or serving governments, or using money to acquire what you wish to experience. It is a big change. We will feed off the energy of the sun and the air, and the need to eat will be gone. We will be breatharian.
If you can understand the first part, you may begin understand my “drift”. Prepare for change now.
What I have described is just a small change we will have to make, so you will have to decide, “Am I in or not?” Our higher selves will assist us through this process.
We are the truth trying to find out who we are.

Reconciling time and history

I don’t expect that you will understand this but if it resonates, then I applaud you.
One of the great mysteries of the universe and the universal system is time and history.
Since conscious experience is only experienced in the present but leaves an energetic imprint, a wave form of the ever-present of what was experienced, traverses through the universe, and is assimilated, and any unresolved or non reconciled issues in the “god worlds”, are then returned for resolution and reconciliation.
That is why we have the saying, “What comes around, goes around.”
In a sense, we are our own judges. That which we experience or cause to be experienced, and is unresolvable or irreconcilable plays- back into our present, and it is not only our current lives but those of our past that require resolution and reconciliation.
This is the way the universe works.
All of these unresolved and irreconciled issues can only be dealt with the by the “present.”
You see the being that you are now, has an ancient history that keeps recurring because of unresolved issues and irreconcilable differences.
The way we deal with this, and it can be dealt with quite easily, is to be authentically who we are, and deal with present issues and differences in a genuine, accepting and loving way. If we love ourselves and others, and deal with our current experiences in this way, we resolve and reconcile past issues through a process of wave dissipation, diffusion and integration, so the play-back doesn’t arrive.
It is a process.
In my own experience, my past and my past lives have come back to “haunt me” but because of the new education about energetics, understanding and determination, I was able to resolve and reconcile many issues and it took a lot of love. I am still in the process, and offer this to you from my own understanding of how it works, in the hope it may give you some guidance through this journey.
